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Meet Our Faculty and Staff

The Longevity and Continuity of Rumsey's Faculty Is the Cornerstone of the School's Culture
Average Number of Years Faculty Have Served at Rumsey: 15

Teacher, coach, advisor, mentor, role model; Rumsey Hall attracts and retains professional educators who thrive in a culture that recognizes the importance of educating the whole child. The strong teacher-student relationships that develop are the core of the family atmosphere that is so prevalent on our campus.

1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 12 of 114 constituents

Matthew Abel

Matthew Abel
Medical Director

Web Admin

Dorothy Albert

Dorothy Albert
Staff Nurse

Christian Anderson

Christian Anderson
Associate Director of Advancement

Ananda Arantes

Ananda Arantes

Shelly Benson

Shelly Benson
Accounting Manager

Scott Blum

Scott Blum
Facilities Director

Rob Brenner

Rob Brenner
Lower School Director

Willow Brenner

Willow Brenner
Lower School Primes

Cheryl Bucknam

Cheryl Bucknam
Learning Skills

Christian Budd

Christian Budd
Lower School IInd Form

Liz Butler

Liz Butler
Upper School Science Department Chair / Associate Director of Athletics
1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 12 of 114 constituents