Rumsey Achieves Egret Status: Preserving Our Oceans by Collecting Bottle Caps
Our student body, and in particular the Kindies and IIIrd Form class, has been learning to care for our oceans in an important way. In particular, they've been making a meaningful impact on creating and maintaining plastic-free waterways. Since September, the school has collected 46,545 bottle caps for the Million Bottle Caps program with the SoundWaters organization. This is the first time our school has achieved this level midway through the year.
Mrs. McGrew, our Kindies teacher who initiated the Bottle Cap Challenge several years ago, stated, "Yippee! We've made it to Egret status—we've never got there in half a year before, so Rumsey has really leveled up this year."
For their efforts, SoundWaters awarded the school with the "Egret" status! The foundation recognizes schools that collect allotted amounts of bottle caps. An "Egret" school is a school that collects 45,000 bottle caps.
From here, we plan to continue the crusade to raise awareness and make an impact on our waterways. Students and parents can continue to bring bottle caps in throughout the rest of the year. We hope to reach the next status of "Turtle" school by raising 70,000 bottle caps by the end of the year.