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Chicks! Pre-Primes Class Experiences the Arrival of New Life

Chicks Have Hatched! Pre-Primes Class Experiences the Arrival of New Life 

Mrs. Sagaria's Pre-Primes Class greeted the arrival of nine chicks after what seemed like an eternity of waiting! 

"As a teacher, I've incubated chicken eggs for a number of classes over the years," Mrs. Sagaria told her students, "yet, you are the first class that actually got to see the chicks break free from their eggs!"

The students were so excited to welcome the babies into their classroom. As part of their science curriculum, they learned about bird life-cycles and how eggs need to stay warm and moist in order to grow healthy baby chicks.

The day after the chicks hatched, the students gathered in a circle to introduce themselves to the babies. "This is the best day of my life," one of the Pre-Primes students exclaimed as held his hands out wide to enfold the fluffy chick.

Mrs. Sagaria's class will continue to learn about what chickens eat and where they will best thrive. The class is opening up segments of time for students from other classes to pop in and see the chicks for an extreme dose of cuteness.